Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Yet another great (well, in my opinion, at least) bridge site for handy reference. There are four major categories:

The Conventions part features not only the most common conventions you see on the profiles of BBO players, but also articles on carding and leads. You can get a handful of doubles, and don't miss the snapdragon, which is a very useful tool if you are not obsessive-compulsive about the penalty double at the 1 level.

The section of Treatments includes
  • Balancing Seat Bids
  • Cue Bidding Opponent's Suit
  • Cue Bidding for Slam
  • Fit-Showing Bids
  • Leads
  • Law of Total Tricks
  • Losing Trick Count
  • Minor Suit Bidding Principals
  • Opening Bids of One-of-a-Suit
  • Opening 3- and 4-Level Preempts
  • Overcalling
  • Point Counting
  • Responses To 1NT
  • Responses To 2NT
  • Responses With Interference
  • Reverse Bid
  • Squeeze (Rule Of 14)
Systems do not offer much for the SAYCers out there so just for the record there are system notes on an approach to the "Two-Over-One" system, based mostly on Max Hardy's treatment, as well as a condensed description of "Simplified Precision" by C. C. Wei. However, remember curiosity killed the cat...

The Agreements section was a revelation for me, personally, cos I had never seen such a detailed, well-structured example of what a "partnership agreement" might stand for. You can't count on me to have much experience, so if you have seen similar stuff somewhere, please post. It is a great idea, and seems extremely useful even if it only helps one sort out differences with one's more or less regular partners.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Kat and I rarely talk about conventions. We spend most of our time fleshing out partnership agreements.

For example, what does this sequence mean?

1H - 2C


1H - 2C

Also, things like

1D - 1S
3D - 4D <-- is it forcing?

Whether or not to bid 4 card suits up the line, or rebid 1NT immediately whenever appropriate, etc, things like that.

fractal said...

Hm, working things out like you do requires a regular, hard-working and very willing partner. Yup, you two are doing terrific, Chris! :)

Unknown said...

I cannot access your website anymore. I really liked it. Please send me a password so that I can use it again.


arif said...

I cannot access your website anymore, after I returned my holiday. It was a real enjoy.Would you please send me a password so that I can access it again.Thanks
kınd regards
