Saturday, May 19, 2007

Turn on the BBVu !

There are currently 2 events broadcast on BBVu(graph): Camrose Trophy and the Scottish Cup.

The Camrose Trophy, the Home Bridge Internationals for England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (then called the Irish Free State) was launched in 1937. Lord Camrose, at that time proprietor of the Daily Telegraph, donated the trophy in 1936. The original trophy has been lost, but a replacement is competed for annually. More about its history here, and more about the current event we are watching here.

Unfortunately, I couldn't google up anything coherent about the other event, the Scottish Cup (as paulg explained, "it is the Scottish teams of four championship final"), and was late for the start of the broadcast so maybe, if you are interested, you can check The Beercard Blog of BBO's paulg (Paul Gipson) for any comments and other words of wisdom, and the very curious explanation about what the beer card is. :)

BBVu schedule:

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