Friday, May 11, 2007

BBVu: Polish Trials on vugraph

BBO is broadcasting also Polish Open Team Trials (link is in Polish; if you prefer, full schedule, please go to where all the times are local to you). As usual, the most discombobulating thing is the names of the players - or, as Roland Wald (walddk) quoted "As Zia once said: "No one can spell their names, but they sure can play". Beats me: people who are able to start with a minor suit bidding and get to a slam in a major (and do it) should have no problems pronouncing a name like "Skrzypczak"?!

Hm... Obviously someone asked how they can become vugraph operators. Here is the answer, just in case you are interested in that, too:
Walddk: For newcomers. This is what you must look like in order to become a BBO vugraph operator ....
Walddk: Apply within

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