Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Today's Puzzle

Thanks to Bobby (attentive) for this puzzle taken from Victor Mollo's Bridge Psychology.

You are declarer. What will you play now?

This particular hand was played by José Le Dentu (thanks to the FFBBO yellows for their kind assistance!).


Anonymous said...

Well, one thing I know for sure: this contract doesn't make legitimately :)

I suppose the first subterfuge is to duck in dummy, winning with my "stiff" ace. Later my Qx and T will combine so I can throw a club loser away I suppose. RHO will not lead hearts because he will expect his partner to have JT, and he allows us a discard if he leads the HK, ruffed.

I suppose we win the HA, bang down 2 rounds of trumps, and RHO exits, I dunno, a diamond. He leads the T, so you know QJ are with West, so you win with the big diamond in your hand, draw the last trump, and hook the D9. If LHO splits his honors, it does him no good either.

Losing a trump, a diamond, and a heart.

Is this the solution, or is there a better one?


Anonymous said...

I ask because this line feels very double dummy (or in other words, I'm just not very good)