The Summer Wine Series - and I suspect that match #13 is at the bottom of the blog mess! - after a long break we did 2 matches in one evening and for the first time there were more people wishing to play than seats available! That's OK too, cos now we can run it as a swinging party(aka individual) for commitment-freaks like myself, or as a pairs event.
The Hall of Fame screenshots for the latest two matches are below:


Gamer's BBO Beginner Tourneys took off nicely (remember Gamer1800?)- we manage to run about 2 events daily, mostly during the European daytime hours, but until there are more TDs available it is hard to commit to any regular schedule. These tourneys are still limited (and will continue to be that way) only to beginner level players so it is funny seeing advanced+ members downgrading their level tag in order to participate. Well, didn't your mum told you lying is bad for you... The only punishment they get, of course, is not being able to yell at their partners for opening with balanced hands with 3 hcp, or having their transfer bids passed. My statistically non-representative impression is most of them never come back, and those who do tend to be beginner-friendly. So if you spot BBO Beginner tourneys in the Free Tournaments list - jump on board, fasten seat-belts and prepare for what may be a bumpy but nethertheless quite enjoyable ride! Even if, as they say, misery loves company, you will be in very good, friendly and compassionate company. :)
The most memorable encounter during a tourney in these last two weeks:

There was nothing we could do to get an explanation; not even the TD could... So if you thought English is enough to get you through your life, it might be time to reconsider!
A funny toy from a huge site with lots of lots of useful bridge-related stuff: the Personal Deal Creator by Richard Pavlicek. Well, at least unsuspecting me found the whole idea hilarious - "Have you ever wondered what your personal bridge deal would be? Well, wonder no more!". You only have to enter your name, the month and the day of your birth, and location. I did, and then got served THIS:

Dull as ditch-water... Since I can't change my name and my birthdate, the only thing that can make the deal more exciting is changing location. Off we go to play - and if it means moving to some uninhabited volcanic archipelago, trust me, I will go there (provided they have a tobacconist and a steady internet connection, of course!).
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