BBO has proven to be a great resource in more than one way again. I had been flirting with the idea of trying to make home-brewn kvas (a traditional Russian beverage made from bread, yeast, water and different spices - sounds yukky but is yummy when chilled enough!) for a long time, and today finally decided to venture. And just when I set out to make the big leap, I realised that the recipe says "a loaf of rye bread". Huh, OK... I haven't been to Russia for more than twenty years now, and I have a very vague recollection just how big the loaf is supposed to be. Googling for the answer brought up a lot of interesting facts and facets to the "loaf of bread" problem - all sorts of recipes, idioms, political implications (eg. top Russian politicians don't even know how much a loaf of bread costs), you name it - I found it - except that there was no definitive answer about the weight of that loaf. So, yes, you guessed correctly, I went to BBO, filtered the users by country, spotted 2 female nicks and asked. I love you, janoo and Problema!
There was a great treat in store, too: the Cayne Team Match. And as usual, the kibs knew better what should be played, how and why. Life is funny! :)

After several unsuccessful attempts during last week to organise the Summer Wine teams (yeah, many friends love it but try to get 8 of us at the same time online, free and willing!), I tried to make a mini-indy under the title "Summer Wine Swinging Singing Singles". Several people wanted to join and I am happy I have added Annette7, Amicale and almo to the friends' list! Welcome and hopefully we'll play again. The winners were almo, followed by Rae123 and bazylc who ruthlessly ruffed and doubled me on his way to the top (and I hate to admit he was right to do it)!
On a positive note, came upon Fred Gitelman's article in BBO's Bridge Library, the Articles section (yes, right, fourth door on the left in the Other Bridge Activities wing) under the title "Expert Errors". I found it very satisfying I make not only newbie errors but expert errors, too! Joking, of course; but I am absolutely serious the article makes great reading matter!
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