If you ever wondered what chocolate, crocodiles, drama and surgery have in common, you should have attended our top-secret meeting in a BBO chat-room today at which we discussed how we should approach SAYC for survival purposes. The only reason to study SAYC is everybody plays it (or, at least, claims to play), and if, like yours truly, you are a commitment-freak and love indy's, then you just need it. So we decided that studying it together might be more fun than doing it on our own (and, actually, doesn't misery love company! - especially such great company as mschwartl, Paige_R, sailormoon, rob63, kelkatcol, juvenal1, philippa.... And the list is not complete!).
General approach is BBO Basic - you can find that if you go to the Useful Links from the main window, and then to Bridge Base Standard. There are system notes for BBO Basic (SAYC-based) and BBO Advanced (2/1-based).
Another major reference we can use is the Annam.co.uk site - one can either use the pages online, or print out the pdf version.
SAYC basics:
Some conventions to go along:
Enjoy! :)